Core Nutritionals Post
It has been called the most important meal of the day, “the anabolic window,” and eating for anabolism. Whatever name you give it, the premise remains: post-workout nutrition is crucial to reaching your fitness and physique goals. Post-workout nutrition plays a number of critical anabolic (tissue building) functions, chief among them being the maximization of glycogen storage and protein synthesis, while simultaneously minimizing protein breakdown and the excessive release of catabolic (tissue-destroying) hormones. Incomplete or insufficient post-workout nutrition isn’t a recipe that will likely yield a tasteful result.
This all raises the question: what is the ideal post-workout nutrition? Is it common knowledge, or an industry secret? Maybe a certain ratio of carbohydrates to protein, or fat to protein; maybe the timing, frequency, and method of ingestion? Well, we are here to offer some clarifying insight. To be honest, the situation is vastly less complex, more well-known, and easier to implement than most would have you believe.
High quality, fast-digesting carbohydrates and protein have been shown time and again to induce the most optimal conditions for growth in clinical studies – and that is precisely what Core has attempted to emulate with Core POST. Core POST takes the guesswork out of post-workout recovery, containing the fast-acting proteins and carbs (whey isolate, dextrose, and Cluster Dextrin®), along with other anabolic agents (free-form L-Leucine, Velositol®, VitaCherry®, and Bioperine®) needed to increase absorption in order to maximize muscle recovery after weight training. This combination of ingredients can quickly replenish muscle glycogen and shuttle much-needed amino acids to muscle cells. Whether you are bulking up or slimming down, all of these ingredients are crucial for proper recovery.

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