Jeremiah Young

Hey! My name is Jeremiah Young, I am the manager for Short Pump Nutrition Corner! My journey towhere I am now has been an interesting one to say the least. In late 2018, I had to have emergencysurgery due to a collapsed lung. The Surgeon told me after the procedure that I needed to put on weight,or it would happen again. From there, I threw myself headfirst into the gym, absorbing any and allknowledge on the fitness lifestyle I could. It quickly developed into a burning passion to compete, and tobe theperson for others that I wish I had when I got into the gym. I have since then, obtained myPersonal training certificate, competed in my first bodybuilding show, and found a company that allowsme to do what I love day after day. I love assisting other people in their fitness goals, and love seeingwhat a good diet with the correct supplements can do to change the body! I am beyond excited andblessed to be apart of this team, and I look forward to assisting everyone to my fullest potential!